Condoms in Gay VR Porn Videos

Do you like using condoms when having sex with another man? Are you guys using two sets of rubbers, just one of them and choose the direction of penetration, or none of them? And are you using them because you like them, or maybe simply cause you don't have any other option and just want that protection? And here we come to the most important of all questions: what do you think about condoms? Do you like using them? And what about them in gay VR porn videos? Are they needed? Or maybe completely unnecessary? So many questions and so few answers, right? We'll do our best answering them all in the gay VR porn related tech blow below, so let's get straight to the topic and begin this discussion!

So first of all... do you guys really hate condoms?

Unfortunately, statistics show that the above sentence is correct. All the men, including gay VR porn performers, just don't really like using condoms, and most of the time they're wearing them because they don't have any other choice - taking care of their safety. This is most likely caused by the fact that silicone, no matter how thin, always limits the sensations experienced from sex and reduces the achieved pleasure. Sure, an amateur like you and me could get an extra benefit from wearing a condom - the fact that they're "squeezing" our dicks could make us all last longer - but in the end we're talking about the professional gay VR porn movies, and performers of such contents have full control over their bodies and don't really need such solutions.

Proposition 60 about condoms in porno in California

About an year ago (in November 2016), state California tried to introduce a law regulating the use of condoms within its borders. Maybe you didn't know that, but this is a state from which most of the porn movies (including gay VR porn videos from VR Bangers Gay) come from, so this attempt could actually make a difference. It was supposed to increase the people's awareness and popularize this method of contraception, yet it was unsuccessful and the law has not been implemented. 

Condom in Package

Gay VR porn videos and condoms - will they ever fit to each other?

This indeed might be one of the simples and widest available ways of ensuring safety during sex, however it will most likely never work for your beloved gay VR porn movies. Believe it or not, but it's mostly because of the fact that we'll never need to use them at all! Every respectable gay VR porn producer such as VRB Gay will always ensure that each actor has a full set of medical tests, so what's the point of using them? Not to mention that bareback gay VR porn films are always the most popular ones, so you simply prefer to watch guys being "naked" in every meaning of this word.

And the final verdict is...?

In summary, condoms will be a great solution for both couples and people who practice "one night stands" with handsome strangers, but in gay VR porn movies they are not the optimal or, to be honest, needed. We don't like condoms and we don't need them - so why would we be using them? You, on the other hand, should never forget about the safety and should always have a pack of them in your pocket, when "fishing" for some hot dudes in the nearby club. More such interesting gay VR porn related tech blogs can be found every day.