Cyber Monday Strikes VR Bangers Gay With Discounts!

date_range November 27, 2017
local_offer TechVR Bangers

Every year, right after the Thanksgiving, two important occasions are coming for everyone who likes to live his life in an economical way - Black Friday and Cyber Monday! These two amazing days let millions of people to save some cash, both in a classic and digital way, so we too couldn't leave our Gay VR Porn fans with nothing!

Black Friday – what’s that?

Black Friday is a holiday sale that has been gaining popularity all over the world for many years. It comes from the United States, where it is celebrated the day after Thanksgiving. This big holiday sale has become one of the symbols of the free market in the United States, and above all a symbol of American commerce and the wealth of its commercial offerings. Since it’s already popular all around the world, Gay Virtual Reality porn websites like VR Bangers Gay are also taking part of it, about which you can read more below in a detailed way.

What is Cyber Monday, then?

Cyber Monday is a day of sales and promotions that takes place on the first Monday after Black Friday. While Black Friday is a discount day in all types of stores (also stationary), Cyber Monday has been created for online stores only. This tradition has also been spread from the North American region. The term "Cyber Moday" was first used in 2005, and since then the popularity of the action has grown with the popularity of online shopping.

In that case, aren’t these two “holidays” the same?

Yes and no. Black Friday was born at retail; Cyber Monday was the online world's answer. So, in the beginning, you'd hit the stores on Friday, then hit cyberspace on Monday. Now, Black Friday is as much an online event as it’s already become a tradition – arguably even more so. Although plenty of stores still run "doorbuster" sales that require shoppers to actually show up, the online world has fully embraced Black Friday – and, in consequence, so did the Gay VR Porn community. But it doesn't really go the other way: regular sales typically run on Friday and that's it. Cyber Monday is exclusively an online "holiday."

So what's coming from this year?

We've got you covered with two promotions at once. You can enjoy the lower prices of our membership options, when, at the same time, their subscription time got doubled. This way, you'll be able to stay with us for much, much longer, while saving a lot of buck! This means that the following offer is available at

Package name Full package price before the promotion Full package price after the promotion Package period before the promotion Package period after the promotion Price per day before the promotion Price per day after the promotion
NEW OPTION: 1 Day Trial - $0.99 1 day 1 day - $0.99
1 Month Full Access $19.95 $19.80 1 month 2 months $0.67 $0.33
3 Month Full Access $39.95 $39.60 3 months 6 months $0.44 $0.22
1 Year Full Access $89.95 $87.60 1 year 2 years $0.25 $0.12

Hopefully, you'll try out our promotions to extend your subscription, or maybe to try out our premium content with a brand new 1-day option for just a $1. World of quality Gay VR Porn is waiting for you!