Gay VR Porn Blogs

Do You Know That Women Prefer Watching Gay VR Porn?
date_range August 09, 2018
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Do you know that it is true that women actually prefer watching gay VR porn videos over the straight ones? In fact, gay porn is one of the most consumed porn genres with 90% of the women who watch masturbating while at it. What could be the reason of this phenomena? Is that just because there are two times more men in gay VR porn films, i...

Having Sex After Watching Gay VR Porn is Better?
date_range August 02, 2018
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Do you actually think that some moments are better to have sex from the others? In other words: do you have any preferences when it comes to time of having sex? Perhaps you like to do it in the evening? Or maybe moments after waking up? Or, we'll tell you what, what do you think about having sex right after watching some of our gay VR por...

AR Business Grown by 50% in the Last Half Year!
date_range July 26, 2018
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Whether you find it important or not, you should know that even though the gay VR porn industry is in the center of our interest, we do care about the "similar" areas of the technological market, as we believe that under some circumstances they are equally, or maybe even more, important. Few years ago nobody has ever heard about gay...

Pimax 8K VR Goggles for 8K Gay VR Porn Videos!
date_range July 19, 2018
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Do you remember our article about the most innovative VR headsets announced on the Consumer Electronic Show (CES) 2018 for gay VR porn movies? We have mentioned goggles like brand new HTC's device (which is, by the way, available already), an underdog when it comes to VR visors called LooxidVR and... the 8K VR goggles called Pimax 8K...

Check Your Cock Out in AR With Google's New App!
date_range July 12, 2018
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Do you think that measuring is a complicated process that require a lot of skills and time to perform? Certainly not. But doing even such a banal thing inside of augmented reality can get really problematic. Anyway, if that is so dubious: why would you do that? Well, give this thought a moment and you should already understand. Imagine th...

High PPI Screens for Better Gay VR Porn Immersion!
date_range July 05, 2018
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Did you know that according to scientists, the human eye is capable of registering the image in a resolution up to 9600 x 9000 pixels, with a pixel density o 2183 ppi (pixel per inch)? What's even more interesting, our field of view (so-called FOV) is approximately as high as 150-160 degrees, which is a lot higher than this offered b...

Watching 3D 360° Gay VR Porn at Work? Why Not?!
date_range June 28, 2018
local_offer Tech

We're pretty much sure that a lot of you didn't even know that other people watch gay VR porn movies at work - but yes, they actually do. Do you think that's inappropriate? Or, on the other hand, that sounds quite encouragingly to you and you'd just love to try that on your own but you don't know how? Read this article about your favorite...

Top 5 Sexiest Gay VR Porn Body Types!
date_range June 21, 2018
local_offer TechVR Bangers

Every guy who loves to watch some gay VR porn videos from time to time has his "type" when it comes to dudes performing in front of the gay virtual reality porn camera. That's pretty much why today we came up with an idea to summarize your favorite types of gay VR porn stars, at the same time giving you some examples of such more dudes li...

UK Government Starts ID Checks for Gay VR Porn
date_range June 14, 2018
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You may have never heard about that, however the laws applicable in the United Kingdom related to porn - so to gay VR porn movies as well - have always been rather strict. Even though things like fisting, squirting or heavy spanking were forbidden in British gay virtual reality porn movies already (and, obviously, in the regular porn as w...

Do You Watch Too Much Gay VR Porn? Find Out Now!
date_range June 07, 2018
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Being normal is such a popular term... but is there a "normal" amount of having sex? Should you limit yourself when it comes to fucking or maybe even watching your favorite gay VR porn videos? Could it be that you're doing too much of one or both of these things? Scientists have spoken and we've heard the answers to these questions from a...

How Do You Know You’re Addicted to Gay VR Porn?
date_range May 31, 2018
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Would you say that you're addicted to watching gay virtual reality porn videos - or viewing gay porn in general? Since gay VR porn technology is getting even more advanced year by year, thus providing the end-users even more immersive and thrilling experiences, there's a slight possibility that there's too much immersion going on in your...